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5 Top-Secret Tips for LinkedIn Lead Generation

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If you are a B2B business and you aren’t on Linkedin, you’re missing out on a huge potential of leads. For many companies, Linkedin lead generation provides one of the highest returns of all the social media network strategies out there.

The former CMO of HubSpot, Mike Volpe, said “Our customer research showed that traffic from LinkedIn generated the highest visitor to lead conversion rate (2.74 %), almost three times higher than Twitter (0.69 %) and Facebook (0.77 %). First and foremost, LinkedIn has a high percentage of professionals, so the likelihood, especially for B2B marketers, that you’re dealing with people in your target audience is higher than some other channels.” With this in mind, we’re sharing with you 5 secret tips to getting the most out of using LinkedIn for lead generation.

Linkedin lead generation



Linkedin Saved Search

There’s a great function to help you with your LinkedIn lead generation; it’s a little-known tool called “Saved Search.” Once you add all the filters for your potential target clients (such as Location, Business Position, etc), click “Save Search” in the upper right-hand corner. Then the next time you want to search, your filters will already be applied, and you won’t have to enter the information all over again!

Publish on Linkedin

In addition to filling out your complete profile information, you can also publish posts on Linkedin. On the homepage, you have a few different options: Share an Update, Upload a Photo, or Write an Article. Click on the third option and get started! This provides you with great visibility and also helps to brand you as an expert. So by publishing on Linkedin, you get free promotion and increase your credibility.

Ask for Endorsements

Another way to build up your credibility is by asking your contacts for endorsements. What are leads good for if you can’t prove they can trust you? Identify the skills and strengths you want your customers to know you for, and show them off. Don’t be afraid to ask for endorsements! Extra credit if someone writes you a personal recommendation.

Start and Join Linkedin Groups

Another great functionality of Linkedin is the Groups feature. The easy way to get started is by joining existing groups; ideally, ones that are full of your targeted clientele. Get active by creating conversations, participating regularly in existing threads, and building up your reputation. It’s a great way to start promoting yourself and your business before actually contacting leads.

If you want to take it a step farther, you should create your own Linkedin Group. If you manage a Linkedin Group, not only can you create it for the exact target audience and topic you want, you can also send weekly messages to all group members.

Generate Emails with FindThatLead’s LinkedIn Lead Generation Tools

If you have followed the above tips, you should have a long list of business leads. However, one downfall to Linkedin is that they don’t provide email addresses for profiles until you are a contact (and sometimes not even then). And while they do have an internal messaging system, many people don’t read their messages frequently or at all, as it’s not as reliable as a regular email provider. So how can you contact all your new fabulous leads?

The easy answer is to use FindThatLead’s powerful lead gen tools. With our lead generation tools, you don’t have to be a connection on Linkedin in order to find your lead´s email address. Once you’ve downloaded our plugin, simply log in to Linkedin, visit the page of your lead, open our plugin and click “get email”. Within seconds you will have found the email for your lead! It’s that easy.

Linkedin is a great tool to connect with business professionals and leads, and with the added support of FindThatLead, nothing will be able to stop you from creating your best pipeline ever. Now get out there; you’ve got leads to find!

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Picture of Gerard Compte

Gerard Compte

In love at first sight with Growth Marketing I CEO at FindThatLead I Whatever you do, build it with love, passion and patience.
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