When you roll out your startup in the market, you have to spend most of your money on Client Acquisition.
First 100 customers actually are most too hard and more expensive to get.
If you are an experienced founder, it might be quite easy to get your first customers via ads.
It would a monetary suicide otherwise.I never ran a single ad for initial customer acquisition.
Today we have around 100,000 people who have used FTL or are current users.So what is it that you should do instead?
Read and observe what good marketers have done to achieve their first customers.
In the first days of FTL, we were struggling for our first $10 k dollars.
We faced a serious deficit. Our server costs were more than our revenue, which came from a handful of customers.
Let alone the notion of spending some money on ads for initial customer acquisition.
But, we moved ahead, enduring the deficit.
Our Client Acquisition Story
We were in the pre-product market fit stage.
Our product still needed a lot of upgrades to become a PMF.
We still were in dire need of potential buyers who could use and tell us what changes we should roll out.
But the challenged persisted- how do we get our first customers?
How do I convince people I don’t know to buy my product to tell what changes do I need to make in it?
With my experience as a salesperson for more than 10 years, I can say with authority that people buy from people.
In my interview with Aaron Ross,, you can see that he happens to concur with me on this. We deal with creatures of emotions(humans), not logic.
He likes to keep the touch personalized and emotional. He shares a lot of his family pictures on his feeds instead of pictures of him working at the office.
Emotional Connection is Important!
You can do it with your content. Personalized videos, social media content, and many others. It is all about words you used.
Social media content marketing
Take, for example, Josh’s viral statuses.
His content went viral over social media.
He was running some cold emailing campaigns to connect with the founders of his region. It turned out that many of the founders he connected had already read his statuses.
They recognized him.
He is brilliant. He could leverage social media to extend the reach of his content marketing. Through his viral statuses, he connected with
With some efforts and planning, you can do this too with your campaigns and connect with them.
Connecting influencers with emotion and love
I came to know about Vincent some time after we had launched FindThatLead.
I saw him at some event, where he dressed like a martian, amazed me.
His presentation flabbergasted me. Growth hacks he showed in the presentation blew my mind.
I contacted him via email and facebook.
I told him that his growth hacks changed my life because they did change my life.
As time went on, Vin Clancy gave me a shoutout because I worked hard for it.
It wasn’t too later, that our revenue peaked to $70,000 from $7,000.
Right now, we have somewhere around 100,000 users.
And I am thankful for these influencers- they changed my life.
I call this my own version of emotional marketing- and a little experiment here and there
You can create your own versions based on your own niches.